Establishes and Maintains Agreements: Competency 3 (EN)
maart 6 | 12:00 – 13:00
In this webinar, we will explore the significance of establishing agreements at multiple levels, including:
• Initial agreements on goals, expectations, and outcomes, which are crucial for setting a clear direction.
• Ongoing agreements to maintain focus and alignment as the coaching journey evolves.
• Triangular contracts, which are essential when coaching involves multiple stakeholders (such as an organization or sponsor), ensuring all parties are aligned and committed to the process.
Whether you’re working towards ICF accreditation or an experienced coach seeking to refine your skills, this webinar will provide practical insights and tools to help you enhance your coaching skills, starting with the foundation of a solid agreement.
Please bring a copy of the ICF Core Competencies and PCC Markers to the session, as we will reference them throughout the webinar.
Language: English.
CCE: CC – Pending approval
Michael Skjøt
ICF Credential: MCC
Michael brings extensive experience from the corporate world, where he served as a leader for 16 years across two international corporations in the aviation industry. For five of those years, he was a member of the Executive Management teams.
Michael’s journey has allowed him to blend his corporate experience with a humanitarian outlook, fostering growth for people and organizations alike.
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