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Job Crafting and Task Fit Analysis; how ergonomics enriches professional coaching (EN)

June 5 | 19:30 21:00

Healthy work, prevention of stress and burn-out, career development. Are you aware that your view on these three topics is highly determined by the ‘glasses’ you wear as a professional coach?

In this webinar you will be provided with an extra set of ‘glasses’, i.e. those of an ergonomist. Ergonomics (or human factors) being the scientific discipline concerned with understanding the interaction between humans and other elements of a system.

You will learn about job crafting and job carving and its applications in stress prevention; about task fit analyses as a powerful tool in both career development and reintegration. My promise is that the extra set of glasses will enrich your coaching profession.


We will work with breakout rooms and polls; making this an interactive evening!

Language: English.
CCE: RD – 1.5


Dianne Commissaris

ICF Credential: PCC

Dianne Commissaris (1966) is an experienced professional coach and teacher. She’s both people-oriented and knowledge-driven. Has a passion for sports, health and personal development.

‘Work & health’ has been the common thread in her work since 1992. She held various positions in the field of Science & Technology: researcher and assistant professor at university level; projectmanager and consultant in the research industry.


ICF Netherlands L&D Powerteam

Online Event

Image by drobotdean on Freepik.
