12 Myths Coaches Believe (EN)

Online Event

It’s easy to believe common myths that circulate among coaches. Dispelling each myth with the truth, as well as the corresponding competency, will help you know what really works to make a coaching conversation masterful, effective, and efficient.


Beyond Autopilot: Rewiring Behavior for Transformative Coaching (EN)

Online Event

Join Fabrizio, an ICF and NBC-HWC accredited executive health and leadership coach, for ‘Beyond Autopilot: Rewiring Behavior.’ This workshop delves into the mechanics of habit formation and explores its impact on personal and professional growth. Gain practical insights into identifying and modifying habits to encourage intentional change. Engage in interactive discussions that will deepen your […]


Live event – ‘Free will does not exist’ (EN)

Better Meetings Austerlitz Woudenbergseweg 41, Hectometerpaaltje 5.4 (Into the forest, turn left 3 times!), Austerlitz, Nederland

Victor is a neuropsychologist and author of the book: “Vrije wil bestaat niet” (Free will does not exist). As professional coaches, we often work with our coachees about who we want to be. Victor brings an interesting and different perspective in an interactive session. Curious? Book your spot today as places are limited. Everyone is welcome!
(ICF members free, non-ICF members €39 + fees)


New Members Meeting (NL)

Online Event

A facilitated discussion for all new members of ICF Netherlands in large group and/or break out rooms depending on number of participants. New members joining are often looking to connect with others, this event is aimed to offer an opportunity to quickly enter the community and get an answer to questions that may arise.


Expanding Leadership Capacity for Generations to Come (EN)

Online Event

In today’s ever-changing world, the need for resilient and effective leaders has never been more crucial. Change has become the new normal, ushering in a landscape of unpredictability and complexity. Leaders can make the difference by operating from the inside out.


Inclusive Coaching Beyond Bias (EN)

Online Event

As coaches, it’s crucial that we continuously reflect on how our own biases, assumptions, and stereotypes may shape our coaching relationships. When we as coaches understand our own stereotypes or assumptions and set them aside we can elevate our clients’ success even further.


Inclusief coachen voorbij vooroordelen (NL)

Online Event

Als coaches is het essentieel dat we voortdurend nadenken over hoe onze eigen vooroordelen, aannames en stereotypen onze coaching kunnen vormgeven. Als we als coach onze eigen stereotypen of aannames begrijpen, onderkennen en waar mogelijk opzij zetten, kunnen we het succes van onze coachees nog verder vergroten.


The Essence of Mastery (EN)

Online Event

The essence of mastery will give participants insights into how to develop their own mastery. I will cover how to best prepare for an ICF MCC credential: the performance evaluation recordings and what to take care of, how to prepare for producing good recordings, how to stay sane during the process, how to pass the credentialing exam.
